Charles University (CUNI) in Prague was founded in 1348, making it one of the oldest universities in the world. It is the largest and most renowned Czech university and is also the best-rated Czech university according to international rankings. The university focuses strongly on research activities with several outstanding research teams which closely collaborate with international research institutions.
The university contains of 17 faculties, one of which is the Faculty of Social Science, where the Prague research team is based. Faculty of Social Sciences was founded in 1990, and its main goal is to develop teaching and research in those aspects of the social sciences, which relate to the public administration, or to the economic and cultural life of society. Today the Faculty has more than 4000 full-time students.
The Institute of Sociological Studies (ISS) offers an ideal place for studying social dynamics, accelerated social change, and their links to collective mobilization. In its research, the Institute has benefited from its location in a dynamically transforming society after the collapse of the previous undemocratic regime in 1989. Therefore, it can provide unique insights and experience for researching rapid transformations and societal adaptation to moments of crisis.
In VAX-TRUST, Charles University in Prague team is partner in all work packages.
Charles University Team

Dino Numerato

Jaroslava Hasmanová Marhánková

Zuzana Kotherová