The recording of Maya Goldenberg’s webinar is now available!

A recording of the webinar Vaccine Hesitancy and Public Mistrust of Science presented by Maya Goldenberg has now been published on the YouTube channel of Tampere University. The webinar was organised by VAX-TRUST and held on December 12th 2022. VAX-TRUST team leader Pru Hobson-West provided commentary, while the project’s Principal Investigator, Dr Pia Vuolanto from Tampere University, chaired the event.

Goldenberg is a Professor of Philosophy in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Guelph and a member of the VAX-TRUST advisory board. Hobson-West is Professor of Science, Medicine and Society and Director of the Institute of Science and Society at the University of Nottingham, UK.

The recording will be available until February 3rd 2023 and can be found here ( Due to technical difficulties, approximately the first 15 minutes of the webinar are missing from the recording.